Conferences and Calls for Papers

Western Association for Slavic Studies (WASS) Conference, Portland, Oregon, period: April 8-11, 2015

Plan to join us for the annual Western Association for Slavic Studies (WASS) conference. This year our host organization, the Western Social Science Association (WSSA), is holding its 57th annual conference in Portland, Oregon on April 8-11, 2015.

We invite proposals for individual papers, complete panels, and roundtable presentations in all areas of studies on Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Russia, the former Soviet Union, and Central Asia. The topics may include any aspect of economy, politics, and culture with a broad chronological span from the Middle Ages to present. Contributions are encouraged from disciplines including (but not limited to): anthropology, archeology, architecture, arts, communication, cultural studies, demography, economics, education, environment, ethnic and minority studies, film, gender studies, geography, history, international relations, Jewish studies, law, linguistics, literature, political science, psychology, religion, sociology, theatre, travel and tourism. Graduate student proposals will also be considered.

For Papers: Please include the following Title of Presentation/Panel, Name, Affiliation, and Email Address, other authors and contact information, Abstract (not to exceed 200 words)

For Panels: Submit the title of each paper. If you do not have a chair or discussant, we will work with you to find one.

Please indicate if you would like to serve as discussant.

Please submit them to

The deadline for proposals is December 1, 2014.

All participants (presenters, moderators, discussants, etc.) are required to register for the conference prior to March 1, 2015

For more information regarding the conference site, registration and submitting a proposal, go to the website.

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