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Three Research positions for OPUS-Weave project “Non-Ukrainians in Revolutionary Ukraine, 1917–1921

The international research project Non-Ukrainians in Revolutionary Ukraine, 1917-1921 (NURU) project invites prospective candidates to join this collaborative four-years project. The Warsaw research team calls for two positions (1 PhD, 1 Post-Doc) and the Vienna team four one (1 PhD):

Levels, degrees, and combinations of cooperation between non-Ukrainian nationalities (open rank PostDoc / PhD Warsaw)
Disintegrating the “triune people”: Belarusians and Russians in their relationship with Ukrainians (open rank PhD / PostDoc Warsaw)
Nationalities inhabiting the wider regions adjacent to the Black Sea: Germans, Romanians, Greeks (PhD position Vienna)
Closing date: 30 November 2024

For more information about the project, please see:


Job advertisement, NURU 2024, All positions, final.pdf

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